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You are very smart if you found this hidden sentence!

Buttons, Buttons, My Buttons!

Please feel free to grab a button!
Then leave me a comment on this post that you grabbed it and I'll do the same!
I'm all about sharing and helping out a fellow blogger!


Book Lover said...

Hello I am writing to let you know I added your button to my blog. I would share my button with you but I don't have one. I don't know how to get one. I am new to blogging. If you have time to let me know I would really appreciate that. My blog is

Book Lover said...

Hey I figured out how to make a button. So you can grab mine if you like.

MJ @ Creative Madness Mama said...

I'm not sure if you had a button to me before, but I have a button to you and want to make sure I do not miss anyone. I messed up and deleted the location I was hosting the image for my button and it was ripped off of everyone's links and buttons page. I just wanted to let you know I've uploaded it to a new place (and add a few more sizes!) in case you'd like to add me back or at all. Sorry! Here's a short link, but you can also find it on the front page of my blog right now or on the Affiliations -> Worthwhile Blogs page (which is where your button is or could be!).


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