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Happy Birthday to ME!

Today, December 1~ is my birthday. I am 29 years young today! I feel so old when I think that my oldest child will turn 8 in two short months... where did the time go?

In the past seven days I have won 3 book blog giveaways and 1 giveaway from a Reviewing Company! Man, I'm on a roll... to bad I am totally against (and too poor) to go to Vegas and gamble!

I won The Jewel of His Heart by Maggie Brenden @ Carmen's Blog~A Sequence of Continous Delights.

I won Talking to the Dead by Bonnie Grove @ Lori's Blog Some of my Favorite Books.

I won The Original Dr Steve's Almanac of Christian Trivia by Steve Wilkens @ Molly's Blog Some of the Best in Christian Fiction.

And last but not least I won two books (I don't know what they are!) from Feathered Quill Book Reviews.

I'll post reviews of these later on! I'm excited because of the ones I know the titles for, they are all new authors to me so they will count toward my 2010 New-to-Me Christian Author Challenge!

Wishing you a happy day today!
SuperMom Signature

1 comment:

joyh82 said...

Happy friday, stop by my blog, you are the winner of the book Thirsty by Bateman.. please send me your info..

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