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Songs of Deliverance by Marilynn Griffith

Songs of Deliverance, Marilynn Griffith, 978-0-8007-3279-0

They say time heals all wounds--but sometimes that's just not enough.

Fifteen years ago, Zeely Wilkins and Ron Jenkins were students that most people had stopped believing in. Lucky for them, their teacher recognized they were the cream of the crop and just needed the right soil.

Though they went their separate ways, the past has called them back to the school and the teacher who wouldn't give up on them. Now they'll have to decide what love really means--and whether they're willing to dance to a new tune to get it. But can they rediscover the songs of deliverance that once brought them together? Or will their secrets keep them apart?

In this soul-searching and suspenseful story, Marilynn Griffith invites you to believe in the power of truth, love, and redemption.

Songs of Deliverance started out way confusing. Between the bouncing around of character memories and trying to get straight who was who and who was in love with who, I was a bit leery about finishing it.

After I got past the first couple of confusing chapters, I really got to know Zeely, Grace, Brian and Ron. Zeely and Graces friendship reminds me a lot of my best friend and I in high school. I was taken back to memories of praying together, fighting, telling each other how it is! Just like Zeely and Grace do.

Each chapter brings a new twist into this story of God's provision, love and forgiveness. Each twist is not what you expect but after so many of them, I began to say to myself, 'Okay, come on now, this is starting to get really really weird!' I think that there was a lot (maybe too much) twisting going on here.

All that aside, Marilynn has an exceptional writing style and each chapter was told from a different characters point of view. I like books like that especially in complicated stories like this one.

Songs of Deliverance was a good read and it reminded me that God is in control, forgiveness is such a powerful thing and love is worth waiting for.

I do plan to read more by Marilynn, I just hope that they are not all so 'twisty'.

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*This book was provided by Baker Publishing Group free of charge in exchange for my honest review. This did not sway my review and opinion of this book in anyway.

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