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Something Fun... Just for You!

A while back I felt God tell me that I was to help the Children's Pastor with VBS. I approached her to find out that she was not going to be able to organize one this year due to being a new single parent due to the sudden death of her husband last fall, going back to school and raising three daughter.

I walked out of the church that morning saying; "Okay God! I tried, but we aren't having one so I guess I can't help!"

Yeah Right!

For weeks I felt really strong that VBS needed to happen. I fought with God, then one Sunday the    
   pastor preached a message that was God speaking directly to me...


I called the Pastor Monday afternoon and told him that God had been speaking to me to organize VBS. And with three weeks to plan, advertise, write the lessons, order the crafts and gather volunteers God used this broken vessel to minister to the kids who will be joining us tomorrow, Friday and Saturday!

It's been a humbling and exciting experience. This is the first VBS I've planned. Normally, I take my kids and help serve a snack or something while there... never plan it start to finish! 


My girls are helping me make the actions for the VBS songs. We are using mostly Hillsong Kids songs and one kids song by Jennifer Shaw. Here are two songs so far. The others to be posted later!

Hope you enjoy watching as much as we did doing it!

Our VBS is called Faithful Sidekicks and teaches the kids about Esther, Joshua and Jesus and how each were used by God because they were faithful.

It invited the kids to join the adventure and become a a Faithful Sidekick that God can use.
I am willing to share all the resources that I created for this VBS. Just sent me an email titled VBS. 


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